Client: W Hotel Hong Kong
Client: TransUnion

Client: Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Promotion video - motion graphic animation

Carter Jonas
Infographic - motion graphic
Client: Carter Jonas
Intro for online finance program: Tasty Money
I animated this 10 second intro for a online finance tv program "Tasty Money". Design their logo in 2D and 3D,

Client: UK Visa & International Education Centre
UK Visa & International Education Centre
Working at UK Visa & International Education Centre (UVIC London) as a motion graphic designer assistant. Joining the marketing team to produce this piece of infographic for promoting their new product - 'MyOffer’.

DBC Summer ID for TV
Channel ID for DBC TV1 summer theme

DBC TV program Intro (opening)
TV program intro video:
・ 8910 Good Morning
・ 中醫全方位
・ 報章頭條
・ 醫食同源

DBC Summer ID 2.0 for TV
Channel ID for DBC TV1 summer theme

Client: SOGO Hong Kong
SOGO Hong Kong
Motion Graphic for Sogo Hong Kong window display
Motion Graphic to teach Chinese character from it's shape.
Ebulobo promotion video
Animation (motion graphic) for Jouets d'éveil Ebulobo instagram.
Hong Kong JPC X DBC event
Interacting game for children
Animation (motion graphic) interacting game for Junior Police Call event in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong International Airport X DBC event
The 18th anniversary of Hong Kong International Airport
Opening and Closing ID for the 18th anniversary of HKIA promotion video, with motion name card (motion banner).

Top Billion Inc. Limited
AR Plus
ARPlus Promotion video on Google Play - Infographic

Truth Hong Kong
Truth(HK) promotion video on Google Play - Infographic

Client: Hong Kong Britannia StudyLink
Britannia StudyLink
Promotion animation for Hong Kong Education Group.

A 3D model designed for school project.
3D model created by Cinema 4D and video edited by Adobe After Effects.

Anorak Magazine
Project for Anorak Tv.
Animation designed for children aged 3-5.

Shenzhen Qianhai in HK
Shenzhen Qianhai in HK
Logo Motion Graphic Design.